The Construction Corner – May 7, 2021

This issue includes: A picture update of the Hawthorne construction. A guide to what construction is doing at PVN from Monday, May 10 to Friday, May 15, and progress pictures of the Corrigan building!

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The Outlook at Windhaven Gains 291 Priority Members

Forefront Living’s newest expansion, The Outlook at Windhaven, achieved 291 priority members in less than three months. Priority members pay a small fee and gain access to virtual and in-person mixers and information-sharing events with other future residents and Forefront Living leadership. This exclusive group is among the first to learn important details about The…

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The Construction Corner – Apr. 23, 2021

This issue includes: A comparison of the aerial view of the Hawthorne to the blueprints of the first floor. A guide to what construction is doing at PVN from Monday, April 26 to Friday, April 30, Two questions from residents about construction on PVN’s campus!

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Medical City Gifts Seniors at PVN 205 Encouragement Cards

Each year Medical City Hospital’s leadership performs a community service project. This year, they chose the seniors at Presbyterian Village North to gift 205 encouragement cards. “The seniors are grateful that those in the community have them in their thoughts and prayers and we appreciate Medical City’s kind gestures,” said Joni Watson, director of healthcare operations….

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The Construction Corner – Apr. 16, 2021

This issue includes: An article about the trees being planted on Forest Ln. A guide to what construction is doing at PVN from Monday, April 19 to Friday, April 23, Progress pictures of the Corrigan building and more!

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PVN Resident is Awarded Inspirational Senior Texan Award

Presbyterian Village North (PVN) resident Major John “Lucky” Luckadoo is ninety-nine years-old, and has received many honors throughout his lifetime. A few of those include being enshrined in the Frontiers of Flight Museum in Dallas and the WWII Museum in New Orleans. He is also the last remaining pilot from the 100th Bomb Group (Bloody…

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