Celebrating Black History Month: Inspiring Presentations at PVN

In honor of Black History Month, Presbyterian Village North (PVN) recently hosted two special guests to tell their stories. Dr. Frank Morris, a retired professor, discussed the importance of Black History Month. Dr. Morris shared his work helping historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) obtain support for their students and his efforts to ensure black…

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Reflecting on Resilience: Jimmy Carter’s Hospice Journey

Former President Jimmy Carter reached the one-year mark of receiving hospice care on February 18, drawing  attention to the positive impact of long-term hospice support for individuals facing serious illnesses. Just as President Carter has experienced the compassionate care provided by hospice services, many patients in similar circumstances find comfort in the specialized attention and…

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Teammate Spotlight: Sarah Jones

Sarah Jones serves as Philanthropy Coordinator for the Forefront Living Foundation (FLF) and will celebrate four years with the organization in April. In her fundraising role, her daily responsibilities include grant writing and reporting, stewardship of gifts and strategic planning for FLF’s signature event, the Each Moment Matters Luncheon. We sat down with this hard…

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With Love From Bella Vida

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day and celebrating love, a talented Bella Vida Sales and Marketing teammate wrote a beautiful poem to share, speaking to the love and dedication woven into every aspect of the up and coming San Antonio senior living community. As you read through these lines, know that this is a testament…

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Project Renewal: Matters of the Heart

On February 8, Faith Presbyterian Hospice welcomed guest speaker Dr. Carla Cheatham, to discuss “Matters of the Heart,” as part of the Project Renewal initiative, a year-round program focused on recharging and invigorating teammates, generously funded by donors to the Forefront Living Foundation. Dr. Cheatham delved into the topic of self-care in relation to the betterment…

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Teammate Spotlight: Katie Snezhkova

Katie Snezhkova is the newly appointed Director of Resident Services for The Outlook at Windhaven (OAW), a position she was excited to begin on January 15. In this vital community role, Katie looks forward to developing engaging and enriching resident programs, while helping to grow a positive and welcoming community. Forefront Living is grateful for…

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Teammate Spotlight: William Mockabee

William Mockabee is the newest teammate to join the dynamic Outlook at Windhaven (OAW) Sales and Marketing team, serving as Marketing Assistant, a role he was excited to begin on January 2. In his position, some of his tasks include assisting with processing files, event coordination and serving as the helpful face and voice of…

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