Seniors at Presbyterian Village North adopt 30 angels from Stults Elementary School On Dec. 11, Letty Valdez, life enrichment manager, met with administration at the Stults Elementary School to drop off gifts donated by the seniors at Presbyterian Village North (PVN). The residents adopted 30 children as part of the angel tree program to provide gifts for this holiday season. The Angel Tree program is one of… Keep Reading
The Construction Corner – Dec.10, 2020 This issue includes: An article about the expansion of the Spa Café! A guide to what construction is doing at PVN from Monday, Dec. 14 to Friday, Dec. 18 pictures and more! Keep Reading
Faith Presbyterian Hospice will host Winter’s Night Memorial Service on Dec. 15 Faith Presbyterian Hospice will hold their annual candlelight memorial service tomorrow, Dec. 15 from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. to honor those that have passed away. “The holidays are especially difficult for those who have lost someone that they love,” John Mezo, executive director of Faith Presbyterian Hospice. “Our hope with the Winter’s Night Memorial… Keep Reading
Risk Theory donated an origami Christmas Tree from Paper for Water to T. Boone Pickens Hospice and Palliative Care Center Risk Theory, a Dallas-based insurance company, donated a Paper for Water Christmas tree to T. Boone Pickens Hospice and Palliative Care Center for patients’ and families to enjoy this holiday season. “We are honored by the kindness of Risk Theory and Paper for Water for sharing their talents and gifts through our beautiful Christmas tree,”… Keep Reading
The Construction Corner – Dec. 4, 2020 This issue includes: An article about the virtual groundbreaking of the Hawthorne! A guide to what construction is doing at PVN from Monday, Dec. 7 to Friday, Dec. 11 pictures and more! Keep Reading
The Forefront Living Foundation hosts kick-off event for Faithful Friends program Forefront Living Foundation hosted its virtual kick-off event on Dec. 2 at 5 p.m. via Zoom. The program was originally supposed to kick-off at the beginning of 2020 but was postponed due to the pandemic. “We are thrilled to finally be able to kick off our Faithful Friends affinity group which will offer members special… Keep Reading
Forefront Living hosts virtual groundbreaking ceremony at site for new expansion On Dec. 1 Forefront Living hosted two virtual ceremonies at 8:30 a.m. and at 2 p.m. to celebrate the groundbreaking of the Hawthorne, Presbyterian Village North’s new independent living expansion, with current and future residents. With the project expected to be complete in 2022, the building will offer a direct connection to the heart of… Keep Reading
Faith Presbyterian Hospice Sponsors Faith and Grief Memorial Arch Faith Presbyterian Hospice was announced as a sponsor in the 5th annual Faith and Grief Memorial Arch at Klyde Warren Park in Dallas from Nov. 29 – Dec. 20. The Faith and Grief Memorial Arch provides a place for all to write the name of a loved one on a ribbon and tie the ribbon… Keep Reading
PVN hosts first-ever Gobble Hobble Wobble turkey trail to celebrate Thanksgiving On Nov. 25 at 8:30 a.m. the life enrichment and wellness team at Presbyterian Village North held its first-ever Gobble Hobble Wobble turkey trail to celebrate Thanksgiving. The event featured three trails. There was a socially distanced gold 5k walk, a silver mile and a bronze one-third of a mile. The residents were encouraged to… Keep Reading