Faith Presbyterian Hospice was announced as a sponsor in the 5th annual Faith and Grief Memorial Arch at Klyde Warren Park in Dallas from Nov. 29 – Dec. 20.
The Faith and Grief Memorial Arch provides a place for all to write the name of a loved one on a ribbon and tie the ribbon to the Arch as a symbol of remembrance. This year’s Arch will be dedicated to the tireless effort of the helping professionals and the loss we all have experienced during this time of the pandemic.
One of Faith and Grief’s co-founders, Wendy Fenn, was a chaplain at Faith Presbyterian Hospice which sparked a partnership between the two organizations. Faith and Grief offer programs including book clubs, support groups, a weekly email, retreats, podcasts and more. However, one thing they have not had is support for children, which Faith Presbyterian Hospice can offer.
“Fulfilling our vision of being an innovative partner that empowers individuals to thrive is embodied in this partnership,” said Tena Burley, executive director of Forefront Living Foundation. “We can extend Faith’s resources, create more value for the families we serve.”
The Forefront Living Foundation helps Faith and Grief with grief programming for children through their Camp Faith and Faith Kids program.
Camp Faith is offered in the months of August and December, this day camp allows children, grandchildren and their surviving parents and grandparents to express their grief in a safe, secure, creative environment and to develop creative ways to heal after the loss of a loved one. The child bereavement program incorporates play therapy and music to support grieving children at their time of greatest need. Child life specialists, social workers and bereavement coordinators are part of the team that continues to offer family support following the loss of a loved one when children are involved.
“As the census at Faith has continued to grow and we know that more and more, individuals need grief support services, the partnership seemed a natural fit,” said Burley.
The opening ceremony for the Memorial Arch was held on Nov. 29 via Facebook Live.
Forefront Living teammates that would like to volunteer at the Arch may sign up at signup.com.
Faith and Grief is observing all recommended health precautions and social distancing during the entire event. They ask that attendees wear a face covering when visiting the arch. All supplies will be cleaned regularly, and hand sanitizer will be on hand at the Arch and in the park.
For more information about Faith and Grief, visit www.faithandgrief.org.