Forefront Living Leadership Team Sets Course for the Future

On May 29, Forefront Living’s (FL) leadership team gathered at Legends Hall at the Marq Southlake for an intensive strategic planning session, aimed at charting the organization’s course for the next three years. This pivotal meeting was structured around a comprehensive agenda that ensured a thorough review and strategic alignment across all key operational areas.

The day began with a warm welcome and an overview by CEO Tim Mallad, setting a collaborative tone for the session. Industry trends were then reviewed by experts from HJ Sims, providing crucial context for the organization’s strategic positioning.

Steven Ailey and Scott Polzin took the floor next, presenting a detailed Key Performance Indicators (KPI) review, followed by Barbara Matamoros’ insightful analysis of the current marketing and sales landscape. This provided a clear picture of where FL stands and highlighted areas for growth.

Jenelle Bertolino and Tim Mallad then reviewed the current strategic cycle and discussed the anticipated outcomes for the next three years. Their session included an assessment of pre-work conducted by the team, with Dr. Cynthia St. John contributing her expertise.

In the late morning, the team revisited FL’s mission, vision and values, ensuring these core principles remain at the heart of future strategies. The leadership team also analyzed feedback from stakeholder focus groups and conducted a TOWS analysis to identify threats, opportunities, weaknesses and strengths.

After a collaborative and energizing team-building session over lunch, the focus shifted to defining the preliminary outcomes for the next three-year picture. Jenelle Bertolino and Cynthia St. John led this effort, guiding the team through the preparation and refinement of strategic goals.

The afternoon sessions were dedicated to setting specific goals, measurements, and action steps for 2025. St. John facilitated these discussions, ensuring each goal was clearly defined and actionable, with a focus on measurable outcomes.

The strategic planning session concluded with a comprehensive overview of the next steps, reaffirming FL’s commitment to its mission of serving the community with excellence and compassion. The collaborative efforts and strategic insights gained during this meeting have positioned Forefront Living for continued success and growth in the coming years.